PRIMARY was founded in 2008 providing expertise in the fields of Applied Mathematics and Information Technology. PRIMARY provides software solutions that accommodate the complexity found in today’s business environment through optimization and advanced analytics. The provided solutions focus on planning & scheduling of critical business processes and go beyond conventional software by offering functionality that supports decision making. These decision support systems generate information rather than just managing it.

PRIMARY has been expanding its operations ever since its foundation by extending its software solution portfolio as well as by expanding its sales at an international level. Our software runs on large-scale companies in several countries accommodating a diverse set of requirements and business practices. The valuable experience gained through all of our past projects has been incorporated in our solutions rendering them integrated planning & scheduling optimization solutions.

PRIMARY provides its clients with state-of-the-art decision support systems. This requires constant improvement of the applied methodology as well as implementing the edge of software technology. PRIMARY is committed to provide solutions that produce a tangible impact in minimizing required resources, maximizing profit and improving provided services.