Scheduling software_  Make an inquiry

What our customers are saying


“Our organization was already familiar with shift scheduling procedures based on customer and transaction forecasting and metrics such as store productivity. We chose OPTISHIFT, on the one hand, because it works with the same logic, so all the parameters we were already using are taken into account, on the other hand because of the automatic optimal scheduling functionality, through which we ensure maximum efficiency of the work schedule."

Thodoris Giannakopoulos, HR Director


"OPTISHIFT is the exclusive shift scheduling tool for Regency Casino Thessaloniki since 2014, fully covering the organization's needs concerning shift scheduling of employees. Since 2019, we have expanded the system implementation for HYATT as well, scheduling the employees' work schedule for each specialty, facilitating and simplifying the scheduling process for the entire group."

Yiannis Stougiannakis, HR Director


“Very large groups of employees sharing the same post, combined with scheduling on a monthly basis, make effective shift scheduling quite challenging. OPTISHIFT provides all the necessary functionality to support us in processes that would be extremely time-consuming without the use of a complete and specialized system."

Fotini Loi, HR Director


«OPTISHIFT facilitates shift scheduling to the maximum, being fully compliant with our procedures and ensuring legal compliance of our employees' work schedule.»

Nikolaos Bousoulopoulos, Vice President


"OPTISHIFT simplifies and speeds up the shift scheduling process, meeting the operational requirements of PET CITY, while respecting the constraints deriving from employees' contracts, individual limitations and of course Labor Law".

Nikolaos Priftis, HR Director


"OPTISHIFThas minimized the time spent on shift scheduling and payroll. At the same time, the organization achieves optimal adaptation to workload, while ensuring legal compliance of the work schedule and fair distribution of shifts and days off among employees."

Konstantinos Karakostas, Payroll Manager


"Through OPTISHIFT's advanced functionality, Agroinvest achieves adaptation to workload without wasting man-hours. At the same time, through the automated notifications concering daily changes to the program, it ensures completeness of the schedule and the overall compliance with labor legislation".

Stathis Antonopoulos, IT Manager


"Through the specialized functionality of OPTISHIFT's Automatic Shift Scheduling, our company now achieves both the optimal coverage of our operational requirements in personnel, as well as the standardization and control of the process and quality of the shift schedule. At the same time, through the reporting provided by OPTISHIFT, we can now directly monitor the changes on the schedule, as well as important information related to the balance of the program and the payroll of the staff, such as overtime, work on holidays or days off".

Angelos Odysseas Fanariotis, HR Specialist